Gear News
Once upon a time - the Advent calendar

Quietly and secretly we withdraw into the room, quietly and lonely we must cry. December will be tough. No little window waits for us on weekends. The gods are not kind to us: the TACWRK has discontinued its tactical advent calendar for men. It remains a big question mark: Why?

This makes no sense at all. We wanted to know and have asked: This is what the TACWRKers themselves say: 

Why we are putting the TACWRK Advent Calendar on ice – and what we have learned from it!

For us, this time of year was usually the hot phase for our advent calendar. But this year, our masterminds at TACWRK had much discussion and ultimately decided actively against the next TACWRK Advent Calendar. We explain why here.

Learning 1: The market has changed massively

A quick look into the past: when we started with the calendars in 2018, AMORELIE was one of the few companies that had a cool advent calendar. When TACWRK came up with the first "#Men's Advent Calendar," it was a real novelty. That's why our first advent calendar was sold out in under 5 minutes! Since then, the market has developed rapidly. Today, there are countless advent calendars, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to create a product that truly stands out and excites our customers as we want.

Learning 2: Limited editions and high costs don't go together

We never wanted to bring a mass product to market. The TACWRK Advent Calendar should always be something special, limited, and exclusive. But this also has its price. Many manufacturers only offer custom products in large quantities, making it difficult to keep quality high and costs within reason. In the end, the prices for our calendars would have continued to rise, without really benefiting you or us.

Learning 3: The effort outweighed the benefits

An advent calendar that meets our standards requires immense planning. Countless hours of work went into conception, logistics, and implementation. From the outside, it may look like there are "only" four products - but with our quality standards and attention to detail, "only four" is actually a lot. In the end, we realized that the effort no longer justified the results for us.

Learning 4: New priorities

We are honest with ourselves and with you: the passion that drove us at the beginning was no longer fully there. A TACWRK Advent Calendar that does not meet our highest standards would not have made us or you happy. And because we never want to disappoint our customers, we made the #decision to put the project on hold.

What's next?

The end of the advent calendar is part of a learning process for us, which will help us with future projects: We are now putting our energy into new, exciting projects that will excite you just as much as everything we have done so far. Stay tuned and look forward to what's coming!

Very sad, dear TACWRK. What will become of us men now… If anyone is looking for alternatives, we have looked around a bit to console ourselves. From last year, there is a 5.11 TACTICAL advent calendar with patches. Nice idea. The FAZ lists 34 advent calendars for men - all of this only indicates an acute crisis of German masculinity. So dear TACWRK, save our holiday, don't play with our lives. Please reconsider this…
