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First look:

STEAMBOW M10 Crossbow


We got something exciting to test, the new M10 repeating crossbow from STEAMBOW. This improved crossbow has a detachable box magazine that can hold 10 bolts/arrows compared to its predecessor. In Austria, a crossbow is NOT classified as a firearm and is freely available for those over 18 years old.

The M10 Tactical Complete Set comes in a sturdy, padded case. In addition to the crossbow, you will receive a total of three magazines and 30 practice bolts.

The magazines are inserted into the crossbow from the top. The handling is really simple. Filling the magazines is also easy and similar to firearms magazines.

Cocking the M10 crossbow is also very easy. Thanks to the design, the shoulder stock is folded down, and the string is tensioned. This is done smoothly with the included 75 lbs lath thanks to the lever arm. There is also an ambidextrous safety feature.

Time for the first shot. Our target is a 3D Shooting Dummy at about five meters. Yes, we shot indoors and yes, that is allowed in Austria. Of course, we positioned everything so that there is a solid wall behind the target in case something goes wrong. The bolt hits its mark and the dummy holds up. Now onto more testing. Stay tuned for the review of the M10 crossbow.


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