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Assault Rifle Bundeswehr: Here we go

01/23/2023By Redaktion

The Bundeswehr receives the new "Assault Rifle System" for the troops. At the invitation of the Vice President of the Federal Office of Equipment, Information Technology, and Use of the Bundeswehr (BAAINBw), representatives from Heckler and Koch, the manufacturer, as well as project managers from BAAINBw met today to finalize the last contractual details. The foundation for the project was laid with the approval of the closed contract by the Budget and Defense Committee of the German Bundestag in December 2022 for procuring the future standard weaponry for soldiers.

From 2026, the Bundeswehr will receive the rifle with the designation G95A1 as the new standard weapon and the G95KA1 in a short version for specialized forces. As part of this project, new assault rifles for the entire Bundeswehr can now be procured in the coming years. The new rifle is based on the HK416 A8 from the manufacturer Heckler and Koch.

The decision to select this weapon was made in the spring of 2021. Due to a longer review process, there were delays. Following the Federal Court of Justice's rulings for such cases, today's contract signing included the necessary contractual adjustments due to the duration of the process.

In a first step, 390 proof-of-concept models will be delivered to the Bundeswehr. Of these, 40 assault rifles will be handed over to the Wehrtechnische Dienststelle für Waffen und Munition for qualification. The remaining 350 rifles will be given to the troops for operational testing, which will take place in various climate zones. The comprehensive testing is intended for comparison with the rifles submitted by the manufacturer in the procurement process.

BUNDESWEHR on the Internet


HERE we present the Haenel MK556 on SPARTANAT.

HERE confirms the decision by the Bundeswehr.

HERE is Heckler & Koch's response to the Bundeswehr's decision.

HERE explains Haenel about the MK556.

The Empire strikes back - Bundeswehr, Heckler & Koch, and Haenel

The Bundeswehr's view - they want an expert opinion

Haenel wants to continue - and explains the MK556 and why they can also deliver reliably.

Expert opinion is here - what happens next.

And the winner is ... HK416 A8

HK416 A8 - Bundeswehr assault rifle is financed

Court: Haenel must recall and destroy CRR223

Here's what HAENEL says about recalling and destroying the CR223

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