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On Tour

AIRBORNE MUSEUM Sainte-Mère-Église

06/05/2024By SPARTANAT crew

When you find yourself in Normandy, you can't miss the landing beaches. In the far west of the invasion area, the Americans were responsible. Their beaches UTAH and OMAHA are well known. And probably also a small village called Sainte-Mère-Église.

Located west of UTAH Beach, on the eve of June 6, 1944, the soldiers of the 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions jumped here. Two paratroopers landed on the church steeple of Sainte-Mère-Église and a figure on the church steeple still commemorates it today.

Right across from the church steeple, you'll find the AIRBORNE MUSEUM. At first, we didn't expect much, as there are numerous museums in Normandy where American and sometimes German equipment is more or less lovingly displayed. We were quickly surprised by this impressive and modern museum. Everything is presented in French and English.

There is an outdoor area with vehicles and cannons and five halls in total. You're greeted by an Eight Eight as soon as you enter ….

… and a Sherman. In the background, you can see the church very well. The museum is right next to it.

In the first hall, the focus is on the French occupation from 1940 to 1944. Very well done and from the perspective of the civilian population, whose rights were severely restricted.

In hall two, things really get started. The door opens and you are face to face with an original C-47 Skytrain, the American paratroopers' drop aircraft in World War II.

Around the plane, you'll find numerous uniforms and equipment of the American paratroopers.

All the exhibits are original and truly worth seeing. Museums in Austria and Germany rarely feature American equipment from that time, and if they do, it's minimal.

Continuing to Hall 3 with the theme "Operation Neptune." Suddenly, you find yourself in the middle of a C-47 on the final meters before the jump. Through light and sound, a very impressive experience.

Through the plane, the exhibition continues with many life-size dioramas depicting ground battles in the following days.

Hall 4 is dedicated entirely to the WACO Gliders that were frequently used in the days following June 5, 1944. Of course, the main exhibit is an original WACO Glider.

In the final hall, the "Regan Center," you can watch some films about Operation Overlord and Neptune.

All in all, a very large, worth seeing museum where even a novice can easily spend two to three hours. For those interested in history and equipment, a whole exciting day is easily possible. You can find AIRBORNE MUSEUM at 14 rue Eisenhower, 50480 Sainte-Mère-Eglise, France.

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