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Books & Media
Surviving in the wild city

Once upon a time, city air used to make you free. That has changed a lot. The modern city also has its advantages, mostly due to anonymity, but then it's all over. Crime, terror, various threats from unsocialized groups - no wonder so many dream of living in the countryside. Survival in the city? A guide like "Urban Survival" by Andrea Micheli can be very useful, even if not all scenarios ultimately happen, the book brings us to other thoughts.

Yes, we can equip ourselves. Every Day Carry (EDC) is what we have with us every day. Stuff that can be helpful if we have to survive in the city. Usually it's keys and credit card, but there's more to it. Here are some good tips on that.

The dangers do not wait: What if there is a kidnapping. No one wishes it, but how should we behave as possible hostages? Micheli shares his knowledge with us about this.

Attacks occur repeatedly and are of course spectacular. "Urban Survival" knows how to deal with it.

In most cases, running away or hiding is the solution. Always call the police! Sometimes it could also mean: Fight! And then it's not about sports anymore, then it's about life and death. "Urban Survival" gives us some key points on that.

If something happens, we have to provide first aid. Now a tourniquet is always included in the EDC. But is that enough? One can improvise first aid. Also a smart chapter that should be studied carefully and then practiced.

CONCLUSION: Solid manual for everything that can go wrong in an urban environment. Sure, extreme scenarios, but those who prepare for the worst will also find smaller challenges easier. Good tips from a professional. SPARTANAT reading recommendation.

"URBAN SURVIVAL. Basics for personal safety in cases of crime, violence, and terror" by Andrea Micheli, S.Ka. Verlag, paperback, 160 pages, Euro 24.90 - HERE available in our shop. 

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