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Firearms & Related

REVIEW: GBRS X Spectre CR-1 Valkyrie Cheek Riser

10/13/2023By Redaktion

A good feeling on the cheek sometimes only comes with the right height: we are of course talking about the rifle stock, which as a point of contact is a very essential means of controlling your fire. Many people may like minimalist designs like the CTR from MAGPUL. For that, there are so-called "Cheek Risers" which bring the whole thing to a good height, so that the stock is also an essential index point that really works for the shooter on the cheek.

This is the CR-1 Valkyrie Cheek Riser from the famous GBRS Group, available there or soon also at BLACK TRIDENT. The name is prominently displayed, the piece itself is a 3D print.

View over the stock from behind: the piece comes in three heights: .25", .50", and .75" – as the American says in inches. 6.35 mm, 12.7 mm, and 19 mm as we convert metrically.

The other side, same logo. Here we have the .50 Cheek Riser mounted. It is simply attached and can be easily disassembled with a single hand movement.

There are many Cheek Risers that are good, but only a few that are so practical. Or in other words: form follows function.

Even though the AR15 stock is completely inserted, the weapon can be loaded with the GBRS Riser because it leaves the charging handle path free. This is not the case with all risers.

CONCLUSION: Minimalist elevation for the CTR stock that is truly practical.

The GBRS X Spectre CR-1 Valkyrie Cheek Riser will soon also be available at BLACK TRIDENT.

GBRS online


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