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It seems like Christmas is coming soon: 30 contracts in 12 hours, that's quite a statement. On 19.12.2024, funds for the Bundeswehr were released in the Budget Committee of the Bundestag and the 25 million euros were immediately "blown" up in 30 contracts. So this #timeshift might actually become something.
What kind of contracts are these? Here is a list by type of troop:
– Ordering of 300 military light off-road trucks from existing framework agreement, subject: successor Truck WOLF, leadership and field hunter tasks
– Exercise of options for 25,000 sets of image intensifier goggles - cross-sectional - from the contract for the procurement of 16,041 sets of image intensifier goggles - cross-sectional - and 8,423 headgear systems, subject: call-up of existing industry stock
– Ordering of 65 protected command and function vehicles of class 3 of the type DINGO 2 A4.1
– Procurement of missile launchers PULS including their integration (adaptation development), subject: Entry into the indirect long-range fire system - joint Dutch-German procurement
– Framework agreement with fixed commissioning for the production of an operational stock of reactive protection modules for the armored infantry fighting vehicle PUMA, subject: Full equipment of reactive protection modules + storage containers
– Conclusion of a 5th amending contract to the contract for the provision of delivery and services as part of the fiscal provision of clothing and personal equipment (follow-up solution clothing management), subject: Modernization of clothing, increase in budget for replacement purchases
– Obsolescence removal of the inertial reference system of the NH90 helicopter fleet
– Procurement measure NATO Helicopter 90 - initial need for spare parts, subject: Procurement of replacement and exchange parts
– Framework agreement for the manufacture and delivery of thermal imaging observation devices, dismounted, long range with accessories, subject: Handheld device for target recognition up to approx. 2,000 meters
– Framework agreement for the manufacture and delivery of thermal imaging target devices, dismounted, long range including all components and accessories, subject: Attachment device for precision rifle G27/28 and machine gun (MG) 5
– Framework agreement with fixed commissioning hand grenade explosive/shrapnel DM 51 series with hand grenade fuse DM82 series, fixed commissioning hand grenade explosive/shrapnel DM 51 series with hand grenade fuse DM82 series
– Procurement and integration of six Directed Infrared Countermeasures (DIRCM) systems in six aircraft (AC) of the type C-130J
– Development project Transfer and expansion of the German-Spanish development contract for the EUROFIGHTER ESCAN Radar Mk1, subject: Development of a radar for EUROFIGHTER (Germany/Spain)
– Procurement of guided missiles PATRIOT PAC-3 MSE, subject: Supplementary procurement 120 LFK PAC-3
– Procurement of 128 guided missiles PATRIOT PAC-3 MSE as well as 16 conversion sets launcher PATRIOT PAC-3 MSE
– Development project Mandatory capability retention LFK short range IRIS-T (Block II), subject: Service life extension LFK IRIS-T
– Long-term development project Technical maturation phase of the weapon system EUROFIGHTER, subject: Growth potential EUROFIGHTER
– Obsolescence removal from three command posts Air Force command system (FüSys LuSK) including existing reference and test facilities
– Conclusion of a procurement contract for the production and delivery, installation and commissioning of a space surveillance radar (WRÜbwR) designed for permanent operation
– Procurement and installation of the self-protection system "Integration Directed Infrared Countermeasures" (DIRCM) in three Airbus A350-900 of the flight readiness service of the Federal Ministry of Defense
– Framework agreement concerning the second basic overhaul as well as measures for maintaining the capability of the weapon system Modular Standoff Weapon Target Adaptive Unitary and Dispenser Robotic Ubiquity System Kinetic Energy Penetrator and Destroyer (MAW TAURUS KEPD 350), subject: Service life extension and obsolescence removal TAURUS
– Procurement measure of 4 additional submarines 212 CD (U212CD) totaling 4.969.759 T Euros
– Procurement of services for the preparation of the implementation of the project Next Generation Frigate-Air Defense F127, US shares Aegis Combat System, subject: Preparatory measures for project frigate F127
– Contract for the development and qualification of a guided missile unit consisting of guided missile and launch device for the active self-defense of submarines against air attacks, subject: Guided missile for submarines against air targets (IDAS) for the U212A
– Procurement measure Guided missile Evolved Seasparrow Missile Block 2, subject: Air defense guided missile for frigates F124 / F126
– Implementation of the project "Distributed Training Architecture of the Navy" (VTAM), subject: Networking of various training centers for joint simulation-based exercises
– Framework agreement with fixed commissioning for the regeneration and quantity adjustment of Modular Medical Facilities (MSE): ballistic protected rescue stations (RSt bg) and unprotected (RSt ug), subject: Containerized treatment facilities, ROLE 1 protected and unprotected
– Ordering of 185 unprotected militarized transport vehicles payload class 15t as well as 164 unprotected militarized transport vehicles payload class 5 t, subject: Procurement of unprotected transport vehicles for the Lithuania Brigade
– Ordering of 98 unprotected as well as 121 protected trucks ZLK 15 t with swap body equipment
– Third order from the existing framework agreement (6th amending contract and new version) for the procurement of joint armed forces radio equipment (SVFuA) and other command radio equipment, subject: 1,147 SVFuA as well as 12,000 additional command radio equipment (vehicle radio equipment) for D-LBO
– Integration of command radio components in platforms (vehicles and functional areas/cabins of the land forces of the Bundeswehr (HAI D-LBO) as well as consent to the use of commitment authorizations for the parts of the contract not budgeted under expenditure 14 in chapter 1405 title 554 38 (sub-projects) serial integration, in particular existing platform clusters 8, subject: Master contract for pattern and serial integration
– Procurement contract with fixed commissioning shares for the D-LBO IT system integration, subject: Basis for functional IT system D-LBO
– Framework contract with fixed call-up kit Network Service Troop, subject: Procurement of equipment for cable construction teams
– Contract for the maintenance of the operational readiness IT systems Electronic Warfare (EW) Support Systems Electronic Warfare Center (Zentr EW) Airborne Weapon Systems (FlgWaSys), subject: Adaptation of IT structure for airborne weapon systems Electronic Warfare
– Conclusion of a procurement framework contract with fixed commissioning under the project Cryptography Modernization of the Bundeswehr Subproject 2a (KryptoMBw TP2a) "Multicrypto and Multirange Key Device" for the procurement of key devices of the "ED7 device family", subject: Framework agreement for cross-sectional key devices in different platforms)
– Framework contract VESUV - Production and delivery data transport device Digital III, subject: Production and delivery of obsolescence-eliminated DTD III as well as software development services
– Commissioning of BWI GmbH for the realization and operation of the Data Center Federation in the area of responsibility of the Federal Ministry of Defense, subject: Provision of data center capacities and cloud-based infrastructure
– Procurement/development German Mission Network Block 1, Solution Complement 1.2, deployable data centers series (GMN 1 LK1.2 vRz series), subject: Procurement of 24 deployable data centers
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